20face’s biometrics platform makes cards and tickets obsolete

Meet Wout Oude Elferink, our innovation engineer at 20face. He is highly experienced in computer vision and biometrics and has a track record reaching from SciSports to Blue Biometrics. We have asked Wout some questions and we are very pleased that he takes 20face its platform to the next level!

Read this small Q&A to get a little bit more insight on his aspirations:

Why is 20face important?

Biometrics are becoming more commonplace. Look at your smartphone, you probably unlock it with face or fingerprint recognition. When you go through the passport check at Schiphol Airport, face recognition is used and you might even skip lanes with iris recognition. In all these examples biometrics enhance the user experience, improves security and possibly reduces cost. In Asia biometrics are even more widely used. Collect your hotel key with your face, enter your office with your face. However there is also a great privacy risk, where the data is used to track people or give them a social credit score without their consent. I believe that with the right tools, which we develop at 20face, privacy concerns can be alleviated while the improved user experience is maintained. 

What is your contribution?

As an innovation engineer at 20face with a strong background in biometrics and computer vision I am excited to bring biometric technologies to real world applications. Translating academic models to software which can be used for access management, elderly care and general verification scenarios. Always keeping privacy and user experience in mind.

What is your dream?

Throwing away my keys, cards and tickets and still being able to enter the office, a festival, a football stadium or my home. While still having full control over which parties can or cannot recognize me using biometrics. Knowing that the biometric identifiers never leave 20face’s servers reduces my concerns of my biometric data being used for other purposes.

What are you solving now?

I am currently working on our new biometrics platform, ensuring it has top of the line anti-spoofing technology while still allowing a great user experience. Besides that I’m connecting established access management solutions with the 20face platform to simplify the integration of biometrics in your building.

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